Friday, October 11, 2013

Childhood Life In Malaysia | Past & Present

Hi all readers,

       Anyone in the world have certainly been through the childhood days. But now, there are many different in the past compared than the present. We are 20th Century kids are more enjoyable than 21st Century kids. There are a lot of reason to explain why we are so lucky.

       Firstly, we can see the world of the child in the past and now is full of differences. Why do I say so? This is because , if we see, the behaviour of of the child in the past is more robust when compared with the children in the world nowadays. Do you know what robust I mean? I means the child in the past will do anything eventhough they know those activities will make them tired. However, I do not say that current children do not have direct activity intended to do. I take one example, the child in past will find any vigorous activities that will make them feel satisfied when doing it. For example, they will play games like chasing each other. Why they play that game even they know that games will them feel tired? The answer is that they do not even care if they are tired to play the game. What is important to them that they will be happy with what they do even during the fasting month. And most importantly, the chase games just now will be able to nourish their own bodiesand they will be more active.

       In addition, There is also special that is categorised based on gender. What is meant by that? I mean if the game is played far more to the masculine, then it is more appropriate played by boys. Nevertheless, it could not be a problem if there were girls, who want to own  rather play a game dominated by boys and vice versa. I give an example, if that is war game played by a group of boys because mostly boys like the robustness. Suddenly, a group of girls come to play who want to participate in the game. Would it be a problem? Absolutely no, as they can join to play the game because they are still recognised as child and not yet recognised as a person of full age (puberty) .

       Kids today are no longer the same as kids in the past whereas male or female. I say that because in the past, technology was not as advanced like now. What is related by that? It is related if child in the past want to play something that will make them feel tired, they still remain play it ( as i wrote above). Due to lack of technological sophistication in the old days, the kids in the past prefer to make a game that sometimes for the adult is absurd to play it. But in their eyes , it is playable.

       Nowadays, the time has advanced technology, therefore many of the children at this present time rather use the available technology to entertain themselves. Why should they bother to make fun to their hearts when they are forced to do tired activities? Therefore, they prefer to use of technology to make them feel good. One of the technological facilities we have is a computer. So, the use it for surfing Internet and play games to get fun without tiring themselves.

       For instance, present children prefer to spend their time with computer, notebooks, tablets, and smartphone those are increasingly sophisticated every day. With the advent of those things, they may be able to play through online without having to think of another game that they have to invent what to play to make sure they feel fun. Now, with just a few clicks, they will continue to play the game what they want to play ( online ) without having to find friends of the same age to play. The can play itself without the need for other people to play with.

       So, no wonder if the former, the habitations atmosphere was noisy with the voices of children, their cries, their fun, now fun screams we can no longer listen to as many children but not all would rather be in home and just playing in the house without having to go out looking for other partners. They just need to play with themselves and their significant still feels fun with what they do. That's all. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cultural Taboos In Malaysia

Malaysia : Celebrating Unity in Diversity
Malaysia is a very diverse in culture. There are the Malay's, Chinese, Indians , Bidayuh, Iban, and many more. Eventhough there are many different culture here in Malaysia but we manage to live harmoniously and peacefully. We, Malaysian can live harmoniously because we understand and respect other cultures. That is why I am here to explain more on the cultural taboo between the three main races in Malaysia that is the Chinese, Malays and Indians.

Let’s begin with the Malaysian Chinese culture. The Chinese can be considered to many as the very hard working group and very perseverance in what they do. There are many taboos in the Malaysian Chinese community here are some of the taboos, the Chinese would a void the number four, for example if they may they would change the licensed plate of they car if it has the number four in it, or they would not keep anything that have the number four in there house. This is because the number brings bad luck and in the Mandarin language it has the same pronunciation as death. However, this could be said differently for the number eight, the Chinese favoured this number because it bring good fortune or luck. Another example of cultural taboos is that you must not whistle at night, according to old folks this could bring bad spirits. In addition, the Chinese also believe that you must not hang your laundry at night because this will attached them self to wandering spirits.
No whistling, please !

            The Malay is the majority of race in Malaysia consisting of 60% . There are also many taboos in the Malay community for example, when entering anyone's house you must take off your shoes, if not it may seem  rude and disrespectfully. Furthermore, in it also consider rude to point with your fore finger instead you must point with your thumb. Another taboo in the Malay culture is that you always eat with your right hand because the left hand is considered dirty when eating.

Take off your shoes, please!

The Malaysian Indian can be considered the most festive out of the many race in Malaysia. With the many Indian festivals there are bound to be many rules that needs to follow and taboos that is need to be avoided. Winking is considered a taboo in the Indian culture this is because they believe winking can bring many unhealthy problems. Moreover, you cannot cut your nails in the evening this will attract unwanted spirits. When a boiling milk or hot milk is spilt, this can be a sign of a bad omen.

Spilt Milk

            In conclusion, there are many taboos or does and don't in every culture, we should respect these cultural taboos in order to live harmoniously with one another.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Baby Dumping Issues In Malaysia

Nowadays, baby dumping issues become more common in the world because it increases from days to days. In Malaysia itself, there are too many cases those related to baby dumping. Do you really know what is mean by baby dumping? Baby dumping means the acts of throw away the babies at any places without take care of the babies.
Picture Of Baby Dumping

In Star Online , there is a news about The Act Of Throwing Away Babies. It is said that Cabinet has decided that anyone who dumps a baby causing the child to die can be tried for murder and sentenced to death. Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said It is also has been agreed to the proposal by the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry over the issue because of baby dumping were still rampant in the country.
Statistics Of Baby Dumping issues rise form years to years

There are many factors those can cause baby bumping such as abandoning responsibilities by parents through religious views which can make their son’s cannot differentiate between good or bad actions. The second factor is from individual itself which easily influenced by other people. For example, some people especially women easily surrendered to men just to get money. Besides, choosing the wrong friend also affect to the action that they do.

In era multimedia and internet is free to anyone, pornography and sexy video can be access with ease through the search engines. Some of advertisement are just too sexy in the website also can get them into clicking the porn websites. Last but not least, these baby dumping issue can caused by unwanted pregnancy, when the girls do not want anyone know about pregnant and afraid to tell their parents about unwanted pregnant, so they taught the best ways to do is by throwing out their babies without feel guilty.
Statistics Of Baby Dumping drom 2005 until 2010

The best suggestion to curb this issue by build places for pregnant and rape victim teens. It is the best place to educate them not to throw the babies , handle various situations and how to take care of baby. The places that is existed in Malaysia is Sekolah Harapan, Baitul Ehsan and Baitul Islah. In addition, the government should introduce true Islam to the people especially Muslim youth about legal and forbidden, paradise and hell and sin and reward.

Lastly, I can conclude that baby dumping issue in Malaysia becoming common problem and this problem never end. We do not want more babies dying. So, individual ( main role), society and government must stand together to prevent this problem

Please Do Not Dump Your Baby